About me


I'm an economist based in London, United Kingdom interested in the spatial components of economics & policy making, especially in relation to environment. On the blog, I'll be posting some of my own work, as well as occasionally comment on topics which I find interesting.

Currently, I am working as a data scientist at the Carbon Trust where I manage and analyse their data for carbon footprinting. Previously, I worked as an economic modeller at Cambridge Econometrics; conducting scenario modelling for multinational organisations and developing bespoke models for clients. Before that, I worked as a research assistant for Professor Antonieta Cunha e Sá and Sofia Franco at the NOVA School for Business and Economics, conducting research on spatial competition and valuation of ecosystem services.

Feel free to drop me a line at finn_henrik@hotmail.com, check out my CV, or visit my LinkedIn. You can also view my code on github or find me on Twitter.



Data Scientist

Carbon Trust

Jul 2022 – Present London, United Kingdom

• Development of regional environmental-economic models.

• Estimation and imputation of emission factors for our footprinting and assurance services.

• Database management and cloud computing using Microsoft Azure.


Economic Modeller

Cambridge Econometrics

Sep 2021 – Jul 2022 Cambridge, United Kingdom
Sep 2020 – Sep 2021 Brussels, Belgium

• Develop bespoke economic models for clients, mostly within the context of net-zero transitions.

• Conduct economic scenario analysis for multinational organisations such as the World Bank, European Climate Foundations, and IRENA.

• Maintain and develop the in-house macroeconometric model (E3ME).

• Process and clean large datasets using Python. Including estimation of renovation cost curves for UK dwellings by analysing data from 20 million properties, and standardising national accounts data for cross-regional analysis.


Research & Teaching Assistant

NOVA School of Business and Economics

Feb 2019 – Sep 2020 Lisbon, Portugal

• Conducted research on spatial econometrics and how proximity and structural characteristics of parking facilities in Los Angeles affect price-setting behaviour.

• Lead microeconomics tutorials twice a week, solving problem sets and explaining economic concepts to more than 70 marketing and economics students per week.

• Taught GIS at a 2021 summer school in Spatial Analysis, Land Use, and the Environment held at Universidade del Pacific Lima, Peru.


MSc Environmental Economics and Climate Change

BA Economics & Geography


Time Series Methods for Macroeconomic Analysis I

Machine Learning with Python - From Linear Models to Deep Learning

Probability - The Science of Uncertainty and Data

CSMM.102x: Machine Learning