• Coordinating the Bank’s internal ESG efforts
• Supporting policy assurance for environmental and social safeguards
• Providing analytical and data support for AIIB’s Policy unit
• Pioneered the development of regional and temporal Environmentally Extended Input Output (EEIO) models specifically for scope 3 GHG accounting.
• Estimation and imputation of emission factors for our footprinting and assurance services.
• Built and maintained python tool for screening the physical climate risk of clients’ operations to support TCFD operations.
• Built and automated the company’s data processing pipelines through Microsoft Azure Databricks and Datafactory.
• Develop bespoke economic models for clients, mostly within the context of net-zero transitions.
• Conduct economic scenario analysis for multinational organisations such as the World Bank, European Climate Foundations, and IRENA.
• Maintain and develop the in-house macroeconometric model (E3ME).
• Process and clean large datasets using Python. Including estimation of renovation cost curves for UK dwellings by analysing data from 20 million properties, and standardising national accounts data for cross-regional analysis.
• Conducted research on spatial econometrics and how proximity and structural characteristics of parking facilities in Los Angeles affect price-setting behaviour.
• Lead microeconomics tutorials twice a week, solving problem sets and explaining economic concepts to more than 70 marketing and economics students per week.
• Taught GIS at a 2021 summer school in Spatial Analysis, Land Use, and the Environment held at Universidade del Pacific Lima, Peru.
With 40% of Europe’s energy being used by buildings, translating to 36% of all CO2 emissions, decarbonising the building stock is non-negotiable for reach net-zero. The project analyses how Europe may look like under different net-zero transition pathways in the heating sector. Exploring scenarios from hydrogen boilers to heat pumps, analysing the socio-economic implications of the different pathways.