
An introduction to spend-based emission factors

What are spend based emission factors!? I hear about them all over the place, something about providing a solution to this whole scope-3 thing. It’s just multiplying two numbers together, right? there can’t be that much to it, right?

How to make your own Anki flashcard generating assistant

Creating flashcards in Anki can be an extremely tedious process. Although there is no doubt that the process of putting together flashcards can be useful for revision, but is it really the best use of time? By leveraging ChatGPT and python, flashcards can quickly be generated (or re-generated) allowing you to start revising immediately.

Why is decarbonising shipping so hard?

The shipping sector has left a lot people scratching their heads – trying to figure out an equitable, cost-efficient, and efficient way to steer towards net-zero by 2050. Beyond the general complexities associated with decarbonising transportation, the shipping sector faces some further struggles. The combination of an uncertain policy landscape, competition effects, and questions surrounding technological maturity all contribute to making it one of the hardest sectors to abate.

Firm reaction to CO$_2$ abatement policies

How do we expect firms to react when faced with an increased cost of polluting? This post reflects on a recent Pluto.jl notebook I wrote, looking at how we can solve for a firm’s optimal CO2 abatement choices in light of different government policies.

The post is inspired by a long-lasting interest in understanding how to solve optimisation problems in economics programmatically. The question was then applied to a topic which I find interesting, namely, how environmental policy can affect firm choices.

Modelling the socioeconomic impacts of zero carbon housing in Europe

With 40% of Europe’s energy being used by buildings, translating to 36% of all CO2 emissions, decarbonising the building stock is non-negotiable for reach net-zero. The project analyses how Europe may look like under different net-zero transition pathways in the heating sector. Exploring scenarios from hydrogen boilers to heat pumps, analysing the socio-economic implications of the different pathways.

The True Cost of Cruising

The true cost of providing free parking is a lot higher than what most people may expect. This post discussed the implications of free parking using a simulation approach based on the 2006 paper by Donald Shoup, Cruising for parking.

Emission Zones in London

This post explores the importance of accounting for spatial spillovers when assessing policy efficacy. A short case-study on the impact of NO$_2$ emissions in London before and after the implementation of the Ultra Low Emission Zone is considered.